Enterprise 2.0, Enterprise CMS, Web 2.0, Web CMS

Open Text Puts RedDot to Enterprise 2.0 Use

Yup, Open Text and I have finally found a mutually-suitable time on both our calendars. The news — new release of RedDot.

Open Text has announced today the release of “next generation” Web Solutions. The fancy name is, in essence, a new release of the company’s Web CMS child — RedDot. It’s a name change and a total rebranding makeover. With all the underlying RedDot WCM technology still in the backbone, it is now called Web Solutions.

The focus of this new release is on intranets, extranets, Enterprise 2.0 solutions and Web 2.0 tools that come armed with greater security and control over social media initiatives.

Full article: Open Text Puts RedDot to Enterprise 2.0 Use

Enterprise 2.0, Enterprise CMS, online content, SaaS CMS

Gartner: SaaS is Hot, Revenue Will Keep Rising

Not so long ago, I was thinking (out loud) about the future of SaaS CMS’s.  Now, we’re looking at a bigger picture — enterpise markets.

If you were worried about the present and future of SaaS— Gartner says don’t be. Worldwide Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) revenue in the enterprise application markets is going strong.

Gartner predicts it will surpass US$ 6.4 billion in 2008, a 27% increase from 2007 revenue. Moreover, the market is expected to more than doublewith SaaS revenue reaching US$ 14.8 billion in 2012.

Full article: Gartner: SaaS is Hot, Revenue Will Keep Rising


RedDot Is Up to Something

I’d like to tell you more, but it’s under an embargo. What’s the point of this post you ask? There’s not one 😉

Except the fact that Open Text/RedDot and their PR lads from McKenzie Worldwide need to get their shit together and stop rescheduling my briefing with them about the upcoming new release, which they’ve done at least 5 times already. Maybe, more — I simply lost count. I realize it may be difficult to coordinate two people’s schedules. But several times in a row? That’s just bad business. Especially, after strong promises like “No more changes, I swear.”

From what I know so far, it looks like Open Text will be launching a major new release of its RedDot Web CMS child. More to come on October 29 (if I ever get a chance to talk to RedDot/Open Text spokespeople).

Mini CMS, online content, Web 2.0, web publishing

Are you Hackable? Google Will Tell You

Yes, Google’s got your back. But only (for now) if you’re a WordPress fanatic. A new security feature from Google Webmaster Tools is in the works.

An interesting twist on this story is how Movable Type has been taking advantage of WordPress vulnerabilities, even before the Gee announced this new security addition to Webmaster Tools. There’s no better time to launch an assault other than when the enemy is recovering from a wound.  MT even goes on to quote the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to prove that its better than WP. Didn’t know DHS does blogging security nowadays, but I guess they watch it all.

The funny thing is that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and a handful of other U.S. government agencies appear to be using WordPress as the blogging platform of choice, as reported by several sources. Ironic, huh?

I am not saying that WP is perfect (even though, I use it myself for this very blog). The baby was down just this morning die to the denial-of-service attacks.

Full article on CMSWire: Are You a Hacker Target? Google Will Tell You


Bitrix Site Manager CMS Available in More Flavors

Strawberry or vanilla? 😉 In Bitrix’s case, with no frills, it’s more ore like Premium or Ultimate.

Web CMS vendor Bitrix announced new editions of Bitrix Site Manager for managing enterprise portals, media portals, large e-stores and other sites with high traffic or content volume.

You can now choose from the Bitrix Site Manager Premium or Ultimate Editions — both touted as “robust and proven technology frameworks.”

Full article on CMSWire: Bitrix Site Manager Now Comes in More Flavors

Document Management, Enterprise CMS, ERM

Recommind Wants to Shift Legal Hold Paradigms

A bit of records management news today… I recently wrote about a study that says legal hold processes (or the lack thereof) may be the ones to blame for eDiscovery risks. But there’s a solution, and not just one.
The newest one — Insite Legal Hold — comes from a company called Recommind (think, records+mind). The company claims Insite is the “industry’s first practical solution.” 

